
Register as Extremely Vulnerable

If you have a medical condition which makes you extremely vulnerable to coronavirus (COVID-19), register with the Government and tell them whether or not you need support. You may have received a letter from the NHS telling you that you’re clinically extremely vulnerable, or been contacted by

Stop the Tower Blocks at former Peel Centre site

I am opposing plans by Redrow to construct tower blocks of up to 26 storeys in the final phase of their development on the former Peel Centre site (Colindale Gardens) in Aerodrome Road. I have written to Barnet Council in their capacity as the planning authority with the following objecti

Fighting Gas Peak Power Facility, Mill Hill - Update

APRIL 2021: Following strong objections from myself and many local residents, the application for this peak power facility has been withdrawn. I am opposing the planning application for a Gas Peak Power Facility in Mill Hill and have written to Barnet Council with my objections. The proposal falls

SUCCESS! Matthew welcomes ban on Hezbollah

I am absolutely delighted that the Home Secretary has taken the decision to proscribe the Hezbollah organisation in full, something I have repeatedly been calling for since 2015. It was at that time that I witnessed the flying of Hezbollah flags at a protest against a visit of Israeli Prime Ministe

Campaign for Thameslink improvements and compensation

As a commuter, I share the frustrations of my constituents in regards to the abysmal service that Thameslink customers have faced since the implementation of the new timetable.  As soon as the problems became apparent, I contacted Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR) to express my concerns.&nbs

'No' to Planning Permission for Pentavia Retail Park (Mill Hill)

I have consistently opposed development proposals for this former retail site beside the A1 in Mill Hill. I believe the proposals are in breach of numerous planning policies including those of Barnet Council, the Greater London Authority and the National Planning Policy Framework.